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Spotlight on…

Elka Mocker

An idea needs people to turn it into a reality. Although RINGANA products speak for themselves, without our Fresh Partners who are working all over Europe on behalf of freshness, RINGANA could never achieve its unique growth. Once a month, we turn the spotlight on one of our successful Fresh Partners.

Interview with Elka Mocker from Spain



What tip do you always give new Fresh Partners who are just getting started?

They should be clear about the why, and about their dreams. I advise them to hang up an inspiring phrase or picture in their office. Then, every day they should set out the steps that will bring them closer to their goal. I also tell them that they should trust in themselves because success is only possible with a vision, determination and commitment. The most important thing is that they are active and set out what they are planning to do. Obviously, we’re not in top form every day but we only progress through constant doing – that is the basis of success. And, because they are now entrepreneurs, I advise them to get organised and set priorities.


What has been your best experience with RINGANA to date?

Every day with RINGANA is a beautiful experience for me. Since I’ve been with RINGANA, my days and my life have become far more emotional thanks to the support and the guidance that I receive from my upline and pass on to my team, and share with everybody. This exchange is simply amazing! Sometimes I feel like I’m on cloud nine 😉 I am so delighted to be part of such an incredibly kind-hearted, wonderful team.


How do you deal with a no?

I’m very relaxed about it. For me, a “no” means that someone isn’t ready at that moment in time. I tell the person that I understand and that if the opportunity arises and they want to talk to me, I’ll be there for them. And if that opportunity doesn’t arise then I simply accept it for what it is. Just because it isn’t the right moment now, it doesn’t mean that it never will be.

How do you contribute personally to the grand RINGANA vision?

I think I contribute a lot of involvement. Involvement in the sense that I help to shape other people’s lives in a positive way, I invite them to become more aware of taking care of themselves and our planet. I also mean involvement in the sense that I help other people to lead a free, self-determined life and show them how they can stand up for their ideals and take control of their lives.


What is your ultimate secret of success with RINGANA?

I am convinced that my success is based on the fact that I have been looking into healthy eating and physical well-being for years, and have also been sharing my knowledge on my social media channels and informing people. I have a big network and in recent years I have built up a lot of trust with my customers and followers. For them, I am a “well-being role model” and they know that when I recommend RINGANA products, it’s because they really are good and positive.


Our sincere congratulations! We are proud to have Fresh Partners like you!

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